
VishFul Quotes

U R My Inspiration & the Eternal Guiding Force behind my success. Love U Maa-Papa. I ignore this materialistic world and admire your beautiful feet because for me, my world resides there. Jai Shri Ram :)
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Here are a few Newspaper clippings depicting my presence in MEDIA

Click on respective news item to Zoom the image.

During Inauguration of International Conference at Eternal  University
(5th-6th March 2012)

My Name in News Item post Vihaan'11 (tech Fest at Eternal University)
(10th-11th December 2011)

HPU SCA Panel 2012-13 canvassing for votes at my doorsteps

Myself participating in India Against Corruption Movement in Shimla

Myself sitting in background while Prof.  ADN Bajpai, VC HPU addresses students at HPUBS

Myself performing in BHINSAAR'13 (ABVP Annual Cultural Event)

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