
VishFul Quotes

U R My Inspiration & the Eternal Guiding Force behind my success. Love U Maa-Papa. I ignore this materialistic world and admire your beautiful feet because for me, my world resides there. Jai Shri Ram :)
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Monday, December 10, 2012

Amazing facts about Hindustan

I am Proud To Be an INDIAN
Day in and day out, we proudly say that I am Proud to be an Indian. India wins a medal in Olympics; our Facebook status is updated immediately with the same information. Indian team wins the world cup and we are on the top of the world. Here I feel proud to mention some points how we are unique from the rest of the world.

• India is world’s oldest, largest & continuous civilization.
• Millions of gods and goddesses, we are a millionaire in spirituality and religion.
• My nation is world’s largest democracy.
• We have world’s largest manpower (working population).